Saturday, March 25, 2023


Those who have known me for a while , this is just some of my last thoughts before the sands run out for Kookie.

Don't know the name of this one n my family has been long gone but it is the first pic of me n a fuzzy pal.

Next one I remember my mom buying me a blue stuffed dog for Christmas. I was embarassed, thinking I am too big for this, but I really liked em n wish I would have him now.

Don't remember how old I was but when my mom was in the hospital for something, my dad brought me Frisky n we went over to the hospital, n my dad got mom to come over to the window to look out to see us.
Think he used me as an excuse to get a rabbit dog. A little black n white hound n when ever dad would go over n pick up the shotgun, that dog would get so excited n do a happy dance.
When he got distemper, I remember dad taking em over to the vet to fix em up.
When I got sick, they let him come in and jump up on the couch with me.. something magic about how they can make you feel
I was growing up and moved to North Canton for a job n when I came home, they told me.

A couple pups between but the major adventure started when I was retired. My kid bringing me a saint benard puppy n asked me if I could keep her.. of course I loved her the minute I held her.
When she got osteosarcoma I went through major depression, watching her suffer and waiting for her to die. I was just gonna bury her in the yard but couldn't stand it and paid a whole bunch of money to have this 'wishing well' built to put her ashes in.
As I worked on it, she laid n the yard watching me.

I went about a month with out her n couldn't stand it .. so I looked n bought another pup. I loved that dog, my wife too.

When she got osteosarcoma,, before I lost her I got Kookie to save me.
After I got PuppyDog's ashes back, I took them out to Mount Pleasant with Kookie, squirming .. trying to hold em both and a girl n her kids were coming down n I asked her to help me get Kookie up the hill, they did
Didn't scatter the ashes just wanted to go up one more time with her.


Diagnosed Date: 2/28/2023 

Now Kookie has osteosarcoma and is starting to limp pretty bad. I would have spent a couple thousand to give her another year but in all my calls n hopes, it was highly unlikely. 
They would cut her leg off giving her no more time but I would have a giant pup trying to take her out to the pot.
It is supposed to be kind of nice March 26th so I am gonna take her out to visit and maybe get some pets.

I have been to Mt Pleasant forgetting my camera but I have never been there by myself.. with out a school friend or someone who loved me.

I hoped to do a thing in June when I turn 80 but that ain't gonna happen now.
The stats say saints live to be 8 to 10, don't figure I am tough enough to do it again
Kookie's BD is Abril 14th.. don't know what shape she will be in but I am hoping..

Buying something for those important to me a stuffed dog they won't have to take to the vet.

I bought the stuffed dog on the right from ebay today for Kookie with the thought if I knew someone with great sowing skills, I could put her ashes inside, till my turn and all of our ashes can be put in the wishing well.
Really needs some one with a green thumb to make it nice.

All those who made over the pups n were willing to stand in front of my camera don't know your gift. 
This adventure gave a purpose to my life in the past years.

While a trivial batch were outraged, a giant bunch appreciated having their pics taken.. 
When you see people sticking their arm out trying to do selfies or lay their cameras on the ground with the self time, be brave n ask em if you could do a couple for em.. 
I have told more of the story lots of time


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