Friday, July 5, 2024

Foot Note

The plaque was made by one of the kids I took pics of on Mt Pleasant, working at a stone place n at his church, took pics of him n his girlfriend n they invited me to their wedding.

The letters just from jello molds I think with tags from all of my pups.

The concrete contains part of the ashes of Kookie n Puppydog a bit of their hair n mine. About 19x17x6 inches
I have held PuppyDog's ashes since 2015 and Aug 14th will be one year since I held Kookie n wanna finally get it in the past.

At the top edge the letters a bit close n might crumble
On youtube this guy said: situation exposed to  hot sometimes or cold others things   need some sort of flexibility and if you need flexibility in a concrete repair then concrete urethane is the thing that you're looking for  Concrete urethane provides a solid bond and has flexibility, similar to silicone

Edges crumbling a bit so I thought wrap a plastic form around the outside, use the poly ... on the edges
Enclose the plastic n concrete with treated 2x6
In a frame that would stand vertical, laying down stuff would fall on it .. n maybe shatter proof glass

Types of concrete urethane, sealer, calk, clear, coating, adhesive ???
It needs to protect the edges from flaking, clear over the letters but not cover the plaque.
* What kind urethane would you buy ?
The idea of the plastic wrap between the concrete and 2x6 is to give something for the filler to be held in place around the edges. if it would work,
* what kind would you buy ???

When I lost Pumpkin (first saint benard) my daughter had this plaque sent to me, then I had to figure a place to put it so it wouldnt get broke. I think I had a special kind of glass made
Should have used treated wood, but never thought I would still be alive this long

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Story ending

Google blogs are arranged so the last entry is on top, so this is the end, moving back in time to the beginning. 

A couple weeks before I had to do my own test and it was hot n Kookie in the back of the truck n I told em I needed to find a shady place for my pup first.. n she let me bring her in where it was cool...  n Kookie hurried to the wrong room trying to get pets then to the right place.. Really nice.
I add pics to googles map 
If you look for  
Fairfield Medical Center Diagnostic Services on google maps u will find this one with Kookie


Wasn't gonna cut my hair till this day. In the morning I cut some hair off both of her ears and off her tail n n whacked a big piece of my hair by my ears and from the back.. saving it to add with PuppyDog's
The vet called n told me Kookies ashes were back n so I packed some of her stuffed animals to go along for the ride.

The blue thingy to the right was one she brought to me lots.
Coming out of Walmart, a guy n girl was visiting her n wanted to give it to her.. at fair time, I wondered if it is something they won there.. but she liked it the best.

The bear was Puppydog's 

I went to pick up Kookies ashes today n took her toy in.. to take her up Mt Pleasant one more time
Just b4 the top there was a shady area and had a little puddle in the background, a couple birds flapped their wing in it.. but the cardinal was the most colorful and visible
I looked it up on Google n read this
"It's said that cardinals appear when angels are near and that the cardinal represents loved ones who have passed away. They are seen as messengers from Heaven who deliver words of love and comfort during difficult times. If you see a bright red cardinal, it means that you are being blessed with good luck and fortune"

Kookies last visit #risingpark

Same spot April 15th when we came up for Kookies BD


I have saved so much in photos n stories on fb and in park blogs and Kookie's blog 

Youtube videos 

Kookie the worstest puppy I ever loved first check up at the vet in 2015

Grasping at straws, I held on so long. Her leg was so big and scary to see. Not going on top of mt p any longer we sat on the bank n took candid pics or rode around in the jeep n took shots.
Of the many people taken with park dwellers n Kookie, these were the last who saw her to give her pets and take pics with her. Of course she wanted to wrestle with them.
The night b4 I took her in for the last time and a couple of young guys stopped n gave her pets.. didn't take the camera in.

8/14 Pouring down rain .. as it should be a dark day when it was her last.
Drove the liberty in with the windows down Kookie's head out the window...
Riding to town made her so happy she barked all the way in but on our last trip she barked just once for the last time.

I parked by the pond n left the back hatch open n she decided to get up and fell between the back bumper and rr ties. I heard the thump .. n my kid came along n helped get her back up to get in.

It was really cold in the vet room n Dusty gave me her sweat shirt. (didn't take a camera in, so she did these)

She squirmed around the office for a bit .. When it was close to the time I sat on the floor with her while they poked her. This pic after they gave her the sleep pic.
After the final poke, last pic of her with her eyes open.
I was gonna give her sweater back when we got to her car, but she told me I could keep it as the last time I held Kookie..
If every one who touched Kookie signed their name on it.. well there would not be a spot with out ink.

Through all those years when people gave her pets and were attacked by her.. it made me so happy.

I love all you guys, thank you .

Google created a utility to create a gif from pics. There are hundreds of pics of Kookie jumping up on people n getting pets, but it only allows 50, this is a sample of her at the park.

Thought it would be the end of all puppies for me but not... none will be like Kookie .. this one is the next goofy pal

Christmas eve, 2023 I finished almost everything cept our video. Worked on it for a couple days .. if it appears 
Too much to stuff n the little dog so I put all keepsakes in their teddy bear and it is high to keep safe
If google approves it, it is here .. n comments with the video.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Keep sake Puppies

Thoughts in the video comment line.

Through the years I keep adding stuff not remembering what I wrote before so there will be repeats if you continue . This is made up of multiple pages.
If you get to the bottom and it says older post, there is another past page.

Now Kookie can hardly stand and growls when I make her get up to go to the pot.
She won't eat until I stuff things in her mouth a few times then must remember she likes to eat.. some past favorites she won;t eat.
I bought a garden cart to modify thinking if she put her front on top I might be able to pull her around the yard, but she won't stay
She keeps licking her leg, it is giant now and she has it raw.

While she has a hard time standing and won't move, if I pick up the keys she will get up and hop along to go for a ride.
I paid another couple hundred last week to get her a shot and other things and tried to read of any pain stuff I might get for her.
I never thought she would make it till her BD.. April 15th then hoped until we saw the first fireflies .. then to my own BD this coming week.
She likes it out in her kennel but is super dirty and I dont have the courage to make her endure me trying to clean her up a bit.

I would like to get a puppy to hang out with her to the end but won't.. I am too old to get another baby .. something happening to me no one would notice for days or a few weeks.

Well guess I need to bring her end.. she loves it in the basement but the stairs are steep and she has fallen a couple times.
Ending todays post.

Kookie is still with me as I am writing this, under the desk on my foot.. but waiting for her end so I will start at the beginning and fill in bits. 
Probably finish by July

The Merrythought pup at the bottom will be the last bit when I reach the end of the account.  4/8/2023 guess she will still be with me till her bd 4/14.

It all began years ago when my kid called me n asked if I was gonna be home n when she came she had a Saint Benard Puppy n asked if I would take her. Another nurse where she worked had puppies n Dusty took her. When she brought her home, the other older dog was mean to her and so that is where I came in. I didn't want a dog but as soon as I held her, I loved her.
Getting a puppy is such a feeling but when you get one from someone you love is a strong emotion.
I called her Pumpkin
As I write this the other little girl in this pic is some kind of specialist in the army that works with medical equipment.

Top pics Pumpkin in the back of the truck the morning they took her on her last ride. To the right the 'wishing well' I built to put her ashes in.
Bottom left PuppyDog (next saint) by the teddy bear I bought my wife (gone) for her bd. Right a plaque a guy from the park made for Puppydog (gone) haven't put her ashes in the well yet, probably will do that after Kookie.. 




When the new pup came in the crate I took her outside on the wall to open it and Kookie really liked her.. no kidding ?
If I can put Kookie's n PuppyDog's hair inside with out damaging em that is the plan.

This Puparoni with Kookie's stuffed pup

For the years since my wife died (2010) I have being coming to Mount Pleasant to get pets for the pups and photos. They have been my photo assistants, people wanted to give em pets and give me an in, to take their photos 😋
I brought both of them on top April 4th for photos.

I haven't thought the name of my last puppy but this is why I thought she is extra special.

I was going to put Kookies fur in the little dog but it was too small. I ended up putting ashes and fur from both pups in the bear they shared. Got one for Puparonia too, my new pup.


Thursday, March 16, 2023



Typing on the computer, a pounding on the door. I hardly have the phone plugged in.
My daughter making calls and being a nurse helped me weed through a maze of information to make the decision today.

Watching 60 Minutes about clinical trials for dogs with cancer, I started tooking and found we have them in our state.

At first I thought I might pay about $1000 and if Kookie made it, the study would pay the rest.

Kind of hard for me to dig through what they were talking about, Lucky for me my kid is a nurse and began to prepare notes to ask and find out things.. appointment made but...

Found out because Kookie is so big they would not have enough of 'the cells?) for her to be in the study.

The study would require cutting off her leg 

They couldn't give an estimate of the amount of time it might add to her life but reading lots of pages form Google it might be a matter of months " dog osteosarcoma life expectancy"

From what I understood, the cost of these procedures might be over $10,000 ?  for what ever time might be added . I do not know what pain the pups might go through.

Puppies r so cute n make us laugh n love em .. 
After I was retired, my kid called and asked if I would be home n when she got here, she had a fuzzy puppy n asked if I would take her. I didn't want a dog but as soon as I held her, I loved her.
While I knew she was dying the grief would not stop n after I got another to save me (PuppyDog)

When I knew PuppyDog was gonna die, I got Kookie to save me. The pic above is Kookie with PuppyDogs collar.
Now that Kookie's end is in site, she does not know .. happy n goofy as ever. No pain yet and when she is in the truck headed for town she is so happy n barks all the way in.

I bought a domain to share ideas about pups, May 13, 2023 TRANSACTION ID 1684026093099950 Description Total 7 years registration7 years registration

While she is still able I will take her to get all the pets she can. When there is too much pain I will keep her loaded up on pain pills.. as long as she wags her tail she will be here with me.. to worry n wait till the end.

The waiting, worrying n crying will last that long. When it is finished, it will just be the crying part.

Touché the fight, the hope yields to the fate.

The cells they would have used in their study comes from blood donations from dogs. YOUR PUP MIGHT BE A HERO  TOO .

I thought to have a final event in June but it is not likely now. I have never been to the park alone so that magic is gone.
March 16th as I am typing this so I hope it will be a bit longer for pets.

I do a lot of living with past memories that tickle me. Those brave enough to be slimmed and pawed by Kookie are legacy left to me in the photos that I visit.

Right now she is laying on my foot and as playful as ever. PuppyDog (pup before Kookie) after a short time 


4/1 today I gave her the last heart n flee pills from the last order. Don't guess there will be a need to send for more.

I noticed the limp about a week before I took her in and on 2/28 is when we found out what it was.

2/28/2023 Exam/Consultation Medical Condition 1.00 <> Extremity 1 Limb Study 1.00 <> Sedation Radiology 1.00 <> Gabapentin (gen) 300mg Cap 180.00 $59.45

PuppyDog was so gentle with her bear but I had to put em up on the shelf so Kookie wouldn't destroy em

Monday, March 13, 2023

OSU Kookie

Hi there,


Thank you for taking the time to complete our online pre-screening survey and for your interest in clinical trials here at OSU. I am very sorry to hear that your dog, Kookie, has been recently diagnosed with osteosarcoma. It looks like Kookie could potentially be a good candidate for your trial. In order to fully see if Kookie would be a good candidate we would need her to come in through our Oncology service to be screened. I have attached the trial’s consent form for you to review to gather more information on this clinical trial. If you would like to schedule for Kookie’s consultation with our Oncology service please call 614-292-3551. Once she is evaluated we will be able to see if she can be screened into our clinical trial.


I do want you to know that this initial visit will be your financial responsibility, however once Kookie is enrolled into the trial all tests and procedures will be covered by the trial. Unfortunately, I am not able to give an estimate of initial visit costs. If she does enroll we will need to see Kookie once weekly for 14 weeks and then we will see her back every 8 weeks. After reviewing the consent form please let me know if you have any questions, I’m happy to help!


Kind regards,


............... consent form

Study Title: Optimization and validation of a universal donor allogeneic TGFβ-1-resistant NK (AT-NK)  cell product in canine spontaneous osteosarcoma 

Principal Investigators: William C. Kisseberth, DVM, PhD Telephone: 614-247-7201 Dean A. Lee, MD, PhD 

This form is designed to provide you with information about this study, so you may make an informed decision  about your animal’s participation in the project. This study has been approved by The Ohio State University  (OSU) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). 

Please read the following items. 

1. What is the purpose of this study? The purpose of this study is to establish the safety, biological activity,  and preliminary evidence of efficacy of adoptively transferred (transfused) ex vivo expanded (grown in the  laboratory) natural killer (NK) cells from healthy dogs given in combination with chemotherapy to dogs with  osteosarcoma. 

2. What procedures/treatments will my dog experience if enrolled in this study? Your dog will first be  screened for eligibility to enroll in the clinical trial. Screening procedures include blood and urine sampling (free  catch, or via cystocentesis), thoracic radiographs, and fine needle aspirate cytology. Patients meeting eligibility  criteria will be administered labeled (19F) or unlabeled AT-NK cells prior to standard of care limb amputation.  Following limb amputation your dog will receive up to 3 infusions of AT-NK cells over 48 hours. At the time of  suture removal (10-14 days later) your dog will receive standard of care carboplatin chemotherapy every 3 weeks  for 4 treatments. On the weeks your dog does not receive chemotherapy, your dog will receive an AT-NK cell infusion (total of an additional 8 infusions). At each appointment visit, blood samples will be obtained for monitoring  NK cell numbers and activity, as well as other correlative assays. Throughout treatment and after completion of  the treatment protocol your dog will be monitored for lung metastasis by thoracic radiography (every 8 weeks). 

3. What are the potential benefits to my dog for participating in this study? The goal of this study is to  develop NK cell immunotherapy for the treatment of dogs and people with cancer and other diseases. Standard  of care adjuvant carboplatin chemotherapy alone delays metastatic progression (cancer spread) compared to  surgery alone. The potential benefits of adoptive NK cell therapy are unknown. 

REV 3.0 


AT-NK Cell Phase I Clinical Trial for Canine Osteosarcoma 

4. What are the possible risks to my dog? Risks associated with the standard of care portion of this clinical trial (limb amputation and carboplatin chemotherapy) include complications from routine blood and urine collection procedures (minor hemorrhage and bruising at needle puncture sites in peripheral veins and bladder, respectively; rarely urine leakage, i.e. uroabdomen associated with urinary bladder cystocentesis), anesthesia (cardiac and respiratory arrest and death), vomiting, diarrhea, low blood cell counts, and sepsis (blood infection). Risks associated with NK cell infusion includes transfusion reactions/anaphylaxis, including fever, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, pruritus, shock, vasovagal event, neurologic signs, including seizure and death. Anaphylaxis/infusion reactions were observed in the first two dogs (2 of 2 dogs) treated with this therapy. In the first dog treated, subsequent AT-NK cell infusions were given without the occurrence of further infusion reactions by pre-treating with diphenhydramine (Benadryl); however, such reactions remain a risk you need to be aware of. 

5. What non-study options are available for my dog? Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Alternatives to enrollment in this clinical trial for eligible patients include standard of care limb amputation and adjuvant chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medical pain management. 

6. What are the financial costs and/or benefits associated with enrolling my dog in this study? The clinical trial covers costs associated with all planned study related procedures prior to and after limb amputation. You are responsible for all costs associated with screening tests (CBC, serum chemistry, urinalysis, fine needle aspiration cytology, thoracic radiographs, and if needed abdominal ultrasound), limb amputation surgery and  

immediate post- operative care. In the event of treatment related toxicities (side effects) requiring supportive  medications, or hospitalization, up to $1000 will be provided to partially defray the cost of their treatment. 

Please initial each statement 

 I realize that any tests, procedures, or treatments beyond those specifically listed above are my  responsibility. 

 I have read the information above and understand the purpose and requirements of the clinical study  entitled "Optimization and validation of a universal donor allogeneic TGFβ-1-resistant NK (AT-NK) cell product  in canine spontaneous osteosarcoma”. 

My dog has met the requirements to participate in this study. 

Data, tissue and fluid samples collected from my dog will become the property of The Ohio State  University. 

I give my permission to publish data and images obtained from this study. I understand that all personal  identifying information will be kept confidential. 

If I choose not to participate in this study it will not affect the care of my dog

 I may withdraw my dog from this study without penalty. Withdrawal of my dog will not interfere with future  care. I understand that investigators may continue to collect information from my dog’s medical record following  withdrawal. 

 The study team reserves the right to remove my dog from this study for failure to meet study requirements  or if it is in the best interests of my dog. 

I may discuss this study with others and ask advice from my own veterinarian. 

 Someone may contact me after my dog has finished this study to collect follow-up information. This may  occur several months to years following completion of the study.

REV 3.0 


AT-NK Cell Phase I Clinical Trial for Canine Osteosarcoma 

I have had time to ask questions regarding this study and feel comfortable moving forward with enrollment  in this study based on the information provided. 

I hereby grant to the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH the right  to publish, broadcast, web cast, or disseminate in any other form or medium any or all of the following: 

Stories, photographs, video, audio, and other images or likenesses of my animal for use in news  stories, publications, promotional materials, including advertisements, web features and/or any other  official purposes. 

I understand that I will not receive financial compensation for this use. 

All photographs, video, audio, images, likenesses, stories, and other materials will remain the  property of The Ohio State University. 

I/We grant permission for The Blue Buffalo Veterinary Clinical Trials Office to contact me/us with  information regarding trial updates, future clinical trials and other clinical trial related news items. 

Yes No E-mail  

For additional questions or concerns about the study, please contact Dr. Kisseberth at 614-247-7201. Or if you  would like to discuss any concerns with an individual not directly related with the study, please contact Ms. Lora Montgomery, Assistant Director, Customer Service at 614-292-5772 ( 

As a result of discussion with , and after reading the above, I voluntarily consent for  my dog to participate in this study and will follow the instructions of the study team, as it pertains to therapy and  follow-up procedures. I certify that I am the legal owner/guardian of . 


Owner or authorized agent of the owner 


Witnessed By: Date


A couple of my questions

... this initial visit will be your financial responsibility,
1)  After the first visit that I pay for there will be no more cost to me?

... will need to see Kookie once weekly for 14 weeks
 then   8 weeks.
2)  I live in Lancaster and would need to make sure about doing this.

3)  ... I paid over $400 for xrays and an examine about a week ago   would your docs like to view them  

4)  ... Will her pain be controlled as much as possible?

5)  ... NOT cutting off her leg a possibility?

6)  ... If they cut off Kookies leg what kind of things would I need to buy.. cart, harnass .. would this be another giant expense?

7) ... Dogs must undergo IF  they die while on study
Would there be a cremation and ashes returned?


Hello Buddy,


Our best guess for the cost for the initial consult and testing would be around $1,000. Yes, she would likely be here for several hours to complete this testing. Would you like to get Kookie scheduled?



10:42 AM (1 hour ago)

to me



Kookie would need to have a diagnosis of osteosarcoma to qualify for the trial, but it is ok if we do not have a firm diagnosis yet. That is what the consultation and testing will help us figure out!




OSU Oncology Appointment Confirmation for Kookie


Attachments10:09 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
If you have not done so already, please have your pet’s records sent to (preferred) or faxed to 614-292-1454 (attn.: oncology). We will need all records related to your pet’s diagnosis (ie: medical record, bloodwork, surgical report(s), cytology, imaging (x-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, etc)) from each facility that has seen your pet related to the particular concern. Failure to provide medical records prior to your appointment may extend your visit time. Please note I have attached some documents that may be helpful in arranging a stay here in Columbus, if needed.

This is confirmation that your pet, Kookie, has an appointment with The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center Integrated Oncology Services, at our Columbus location, 601 Vernon L. Tharp St.

Date: 3-21
Time: 8:45 AM

* Please bring your pet in fasted for this appointment. No food after 10 pm the night before, but water and regular medications are okay! (If your pet is diabetic, please let us know, as fasting instructions will vary).

*Please arrive on time for your appointment or you may be asked to reschedule. Also, if you arrive sooner than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time, you may be asked to wait in your car until it is time for your appointment.

* Please note the closure of Vernon L. Tharp St. Please see the attachment for detour directions.

So that we can facilitate others waiting for an appointment, if you are unable to keep this appointment, please call (614) 614-292-3551 to reschedule or cancel at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Our team looks forward to seeing your pet! In order to protect the health and safety of our clients and our team members, the Veterinary Medical Center has implemented the following COVID19 precautions:
  • If you are experiencing ANY symptoms of illness, are under quarantine, or if you or anyone in your household have tested positive for COVID19, we respectfully ask that you contact us for CURBSIDE PROTOCOL instructions.
  • Before entering the hospital lobby, we ask that you please use hand sanitizer, provided in our entryway, and wear a surgical facemask. If you need a surgical facemask, they will be available at the hospital entrance. We will not allow access to the VMC without a surgical facemask. Cloth masks are not permitted.
  • Upon arrival, please check in at the front desk and you will be shown to an exam room
  • A student or technician will greet you and your pet in the exam room and take a brief history. At this point, the pet will come back to the treatment area for the exam
  • The student will relay the history and any concerns you may have to the doctor. Once the doctor has heard the case and examined your pet, the doctor will discuss the findings with you
    • Please make sure you have your phone ON and be prepared to answer calls
    • You may receive calls from an unknown number
  • Once all diagnostics and/or treatments have been completed, you will be contacted by a team member to collect payment for your visit. Please allow a minimum of several hours for your pet’s appointment.
  • The student will contact you to arrange pick up of your pet, answer any questions, and go over your discharge instructions.
  • If you have any concerns during the course of your visit, please call 614-292-3551.
We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you and your pet!


Your pet has an appointment with Integrated Oncology Services at The Ohio State University

Veterinary Medical Center, 601 Vernon L. Tharp Street

- Please arrive no sooner than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. If you

are late, you may be asked to reschedule.

- In order to provide the best possible care, we require medical records before or at the

time of visit. If the pet has been seen at multiple hospitals, please supply records from all


- Please have records emailed ( or faxed (614-292-1454 attn:


- If records are not available by the scheduled appointment time, diagnostics may be

repeated, or the length of time of your appointment may be extended.

Relevant medical records may include:

• Cytology

• Biopsy/histopathology

• Bloodwork

• Imaging (x-rays, ultrasound, CT)

• Other relevant medical records documenting diagnostics or treatment

• Current medications

So that we can facilitate others waiting for an appointment, if you are unable to keep this

appointment, please call (614) 292-3551 to reschedule or cancel at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.

If you are experiencing any symptoms, are under quarantine, or have tested positive for

COVID19, we respectfully ask that you contact us. You may either reschedule, or request our

Curbside Protocol, in which your pet will be collected from you and returned to you in your car.

Our team looks forward to seeing your pet! Here is what to expect the day of your appointment

(please note, that in order to protect the health and safety of our clients and our team members,

the Veterinary Medical Center has implemented COVID19 precautions):

- OSU is a teaching hospital for future doctors. Students will be working under the care

of a specialist doctor to learn. There will be a faculty member assigned to your pet’s

case as well a resident and a student.

- Please allow a minimum 4-5 hours for your appointment, especially if you plan to

pursue diagnostic procedures. Often, pets are not ready to go until about


- Your pet needs to arrive fasted: no food after 10 pm the night before. Water and

regular medications are ok. If your pet needs food to take their medication, a small

meatball is ok. Please give the smallest amount of food possible.

o If your pet is diabetic, please make us aware, as fasting instructions may vary.

- All visitors must wear a surgical mask (not cloth) while in the building

- Upon arrival, please check in at the front desk and you will be shown to an exam room

- A student or technician will greet you and your pet in the exam room and take a brief


- Your pet will then be escorted back to the treatment area for the exam, where the

student will relay your pet’s history and any concerns you may have to the doctor. The

team will discuss your pet’s case with students - this is part of the learning process.

- Once the doctor has heard the case and examined your pet, the doctor will discuss the

findings with you and develop a plan for the day.

- If you elect to pursue diagnostics the same day, this will extend your visit time with us.

As long as you are available to answer your phone, you do not need to wait on site for

the duration of the visit. Some choose to go home, to work, to the store, out to eat, etc

during the wait.

- Not all diagnostic tests can be completed on the same day as the initial consultation.

The team will arrange a date and/or time for those future tests, if that is the case.

- While your pet is with us, please make sure you have your phone ON and be prepared

to answer calls. You may receive calls from an unknown number. Failure to answer

our phone calls may extend your appointment time and/or delay diagnostics and


- Once all diagnostics and/or procedures and/or treatments have been completed, the

student will contact you to arrange pick-up of your pet, answer any questions, and go

over your discharge instructions. You will also be contacted by a team member to

collect payment for your visit.

- If you have any concerns during the course of your visit, please call 614-292-3551

(option: oncology)

If surgery is warranted, this will be scheduled for a future date. Surgery

will not take place without having an initial consultation first, and

surgery will not take place the same day as the initial consultation.

Thank you! We look forward to helping your pet to the best health possible!

The first part of Kookie click here