Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Story ending

Foot note, a year plus after the deed was done.
For a couple years b4 the eclipse I had big plans for Kookie n me doing pics of em on Mt P. About a month before I met a chipmunk on top, she did not have a wagging tail or fuzzy ears but hope .. Didn't work out.. but it was during my craziest of crazy period.. 
I mixed the ashes of both pups, Kookie n PuppyDog in a batch of concreate, built a mold with a plaque for a memorial.
It is finished still sad thoughts but being much better upstairs. Guess being alone clinging to 2/4 leg pups, is intense.
Kind of hard to make it up the trail to the top at Mount Pleasant. Now I have a little lab.. the plan is me being the first to go this time .

If you wanna do something kind for a stranger, go with a friend to a park and make over someone's pup. 


Google blogs are arranged so the last entry is on top, so this is the end, moving back in time to the beginning. 

A couple weeks before I had to do my own test and it was hot n Kookie in the back of the truck n I told em I needed to find a shady place for my pup first.. n she let me bring her in where it was cool...  n Kookie hurried to the wrong room trying to get pets then to the right place.. Really nice.
I add pics to googles map 
If you look for  
Fairfield Medical Center Diagnostic Services on google maps u will find this one with Kookie


Wasn't gonna cut my hair till this day. In the morning I cut some hair off both of her ears and off her tail n n whacked a big piece of my hair by my ears and from the back.. saving it to add with PuppyDog's
The vet called n told me Kookies ashes were back n so I packed some of her stuffed animals to go along for the ride.

The blue thingy to the right was one she brought to me lots.
Coming out of Walmart, a guy n girl was visiting her n wanted to give it to her.. at fair time, I wondered if it is something they won there.. but she liked it the best.

The bear was Puppydog's 

I went to pick up Kookies ashes today n took her toy in.. to take her up Mt Pleasant one more time
Just b4 the top there was a shady area and had a little puddle in the background, a couple birds flapped their wing in it.. but the cardinal was the most colorful and visible
I looked it up on Google n read this
"It's said that cardinals appear when angels are near and that the cardinal represents loved ones who have passed away. They are seen as messengers from Heaven who deliver words of love and comfort during difficult times. If you see a bright red cardinal, it means that you are being blessed with good luck and fortune"

Kookies last visit #risingpark

Same spot April 15th when we came up for Kookies BD


I have saved so much in photos n stories on fb and in park blogs and Kookie's blog 

Youtube videos 

Kookie the worstest puppy I ever loved first check up at the vet in 2015

Grasping at straws, I held on so long. Her leg was so big and scary to see. Not going on top of mt p any longer we sat on the bank n took candid pics or rode around in the jeep n took shots.
Of the many people taken with park dwellers n Kookie, these were the last who saw her to give her pets and take pics with her. Of course she wanted to wrestle with them.
The night b4 I took her in for the last time and a couple of young guys stopped n gave her pets.. didn't take the camera in.

8/14 Pouring down rain .. as it should be a dark day when it was her last.
Drove the liberty in with the windows down Kookie's head out the window...
Riding to town made her so happy she barked all the way in but on our last trip she barked just once for the last time.

I parked by the pond n left the back hatch open n she decided to get up and fell between the back bumper and rr ties. I heard the thump .. n my kid came along n helped get her back up to get in.

It was really cold in the vet room n Dusty gave me her sweat shirt. (didn't take a camera in, so she did these)

She squirmed around the office for a bit .. When it was close to the time I sat on the floor with her while they poked her. This pic after they gave her the sleep pic.
After the final poke, last pic of her with her eyes open.
I was gonna give her sweater back when we got to her car, but she told me I could keep it as the last time I held Kookie..
If every one who touched Kookie signed their name on it.. well there would not be a spot with out ink.

Through all those years when people gave her pets and were attacked by her.. it made me so happy.

I love all you guys, thank you .

Google created a utility to create a gif from pics. There are hundreds of pics of Kookie jumping up on people n getting pets, but it only allows 50, this is a sample of her at the park.

Thought it would be the end of all puppies for me but not... none will be like Kookie .. this one is the next goofy pal

Christmas eve, 2023 I finished almost everything cept our video. Worked on it for a couple days .. if it appears 
Too much to stuff n the little dog so I put all keepsakes in their teddy bear and it is high to keep safe
If google approves it, it is here .. n comments with the video.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Keep sake Puppies

Thoughts in the video comment line.

Through the years I keep adding stuff not remembering what I wrote before so there will be repeats if you continue . This is made up of multiple pages.
If you get to the bottom and it says older post, there is another past page.

Now Kookie can hardly stand and growls when I make her get up to go to the pot.
She won't eat until I stuff things in her mouth a few times then must remember she likes to eat.. some past favorites she won;t eat.
I bought a garden cart to modify thinking if she put her front on top I might be able to pull her around the yard, but she won't stay
She keeps licking her leg, it is giant now and she has it raw.

While she has a hard time standing and won't move, if I pick up the keys she will get up and hop along to go for a ride.
I paid another couple hundred last week to get her a shot and other things and tried to read of any pain stuff I might get for her.
I never thought she would make it till her BD.. April 15th then hoped until we saw the first fireflies .. then to my own BD this coming week.
She likes it out in her kennel but is super dirty and I dont have the courage to make her endure me trying to clean her up a bit.

I would like to get a puppy to hang out with her to the end but won't.. I am too old to get another baby .. something happening to me no one would notice for days or a few weeks.

Well guess I need to bring her end.. she loves it in the basement but the stairs are steep and she has fallen a couple times.
Ending todays post.

Kookie is still with me as I am writing this, under the desk on my foot.. but waiting for her end so I will start at the beginning and fill in bits. 
Probably finish by July

The Merrythought pup at the bottom will be the last bit when I reach the end of the account.  4/8/2023 guess she will still be with me till her bd 4/14.

It all began years ago when my kid called me n asked if I was gonna be home n when she came she had a Saint Benard Puppy n asked if I would take her. Another nurse where she worked had puppies n Dusty took her. When she brought her home, the other older dog was mean to her and so that is where I came in. I didn't want a dog but as soon as I held her, I loved her.
Getting a puppy is such a feeling but when you get one from someone you love is a strong emotion.
I called her Pumpkin
As I write this the other little girl in this pic is some kind of specialist in the army that works with medical equipment.

Top pics Pumpkin in the back of the truck the morning they took her on her last ride. To the right the 'wishing well' I built to put her ashes in.
Bottom left PuppyDog (next saint) by the teddy bear I bought my wife (gone) for her bd. Right a plaque a guy from the park made for Puppydog (gone) haven't put her ashes in the well yet, probably will do that after Kookie.. 




When the new pup came in the crate I took her outside on the wall to open it and Kookie really liked her.. no kidding ?
If I can put Kookie's n PuppyDog's hair inside with out damaging em that is the plan.

This Puparoni with Kookie's stuffed pup

For the years since my wife died (2010) I have being coming to Mount Pleasant to get pets for the pups and photos. They have been my photo assistants, people wanted to give em pets and give me an in, to take their photos 😋
I brought both of them on top April 4th for photos.

I haven't thought the name of my last puppy but this is why I thought she is extra special.

I was going to put Kookies fur in the little dog but it was too small. I ended up putting ashes and fur from both pups in the bear they shared. Got one for Puparonia too, my new pup.


Saturday, March 25, 2023


Those who have known me for a while , this is just some of my last thoughts before the sands run out for Kookie.

Don't know the name of this one n my family has been long gone but it is the first pic of me n a fuzzy pal.

Next one I remember my mom buying me a blue stuffed dog for Christmas. I was embarassed, thinking I am too big for this, but I really liked em n wish I would have him now.

Don't remember how old I was but when my mom was in the hospital for something, my dad brought me Frisky n we went over to the hospital, n my dad got mom to come over to the window to look out to see us.
Think he used me as an excuse to get a rabbit dog. A little black n white hound n when ever dad would go over n pick up the shotgun, that dog would get so excited n do a happy dance.
When he got distemper, I remember dad taking em over to the vet to fix em up.
When I got sick, they let him come in and jump up on the couch with me.. something magic about how they can make you feel
I was growing up and moved to North Canton for a job n when I came home, they told me.

A couple pups between but the major adventure started when I was retired. My kid bringing me a saint benard puppy n asked me if I could keep her.. of course I loved her the minute I held her.
When she got osteosarcoma I went through major depression, watching her suffer and waiting for her to die. I was just gonna bury her in the yard but couldn't stand it and paid a whole bunch of money to have this 'wishing well' built to put her ashes in.
As I worked on it, she laid n the yard watching me.

I went about a month with out her n couldn't stand it .. so I looked n bought another pup. I loved that dog, my wife too.

When she got osteosarcoma,, before I lost her I got Kookie to save me.
After I got PuppyDog's ashes back, I took them out to Mount Pleasant with Kookie, squirming .. trying to hold em both and a girl n her kids were coming down n I asked her to help me get Kookie up the hill, they did
Didn't scatter the ashes just wanted to go up one more time with her.


Diagnosed Date: 2/28/2023 

Now Kookie has osteosarcoma and is starting to limp pretty bad. I would have spent a couple thousand to give her another year but in all my calls n hopes, it was highly unlikely. 
They would cut her leg off giving her no more time but I would have a giant pup trying to take her out to the pot.
It is supposed to be kind of nice March 26th so I am gonna take her out to visit and maybe get some pets.

I have been to Mt Pleasant forgetting my camera but I have never been there by myself.. with out a school friend or someone who loved me.

I hoped to do a thing in June when I turn 80 but that ain't gonna happen now.
The stats say saints live to be 8 to 10, don't figure I am tough enough to do it again
Kookie's BD is Abril 14th.. don't know what shape she will be in but I am hoping..

Buying something for those important to me a stuffed dog they won't have to take to the vet.

I bought the stuffed dog on the right from ebay today for Kookie with the thought if I knew someone with great sowing skills, I could put her ashes inside, till my turn and all of our ashes can be put in the wishing well.
Really needs some one with a green thumb to make it nice.

All those who made over the pups n were willing to stand in front of my camera don't know your gift. 
This adventure gave a purpose to my life in the past years.

While a trivial batch were outraged, a giant bunch appreciated having their pics taken.. 
When you see people sticking their arm out trying to do selfies or lay their cameras on the ground with the self time, be brave n ask em if you could do a couple for em.. 
I have told more of the story lots of time https://kookiepuppy.blogspot.com/2017/03/pup-stories.html


Thursday, March 16, 2023



Typing on the computer, a pounding on the door. I hardly have the phone plugged in.
My daughter making calls and being a nurse helped me weed through a maze of information to make the decision today.

Watching 60 Minutes about clinical trials for dogs with cancer, I started tooking and found we have them in our state.

At first I thought I might pay about $1000 and if Kookie made it, the study would pay the rest.

Kind of hard for me to dig through what they were talking about, Lucky for me my kid is a nurse and began to prepare notes to ask and find out things.. appointment made but...

Found out because Kookie is so big they would not have enough of 'the cells?) for her to be in the study.

The study would require cutting off her leg 

They couldn't give an estimate of the amount of time it might add to her life but reading lots of pages form Google it might be a matter of months " dog osteosarcoma life expectancy"

From what I understood, the cost of these procedures might be over $10,000 ?  for what ever time might be added . I do not know what pain the pups might go through.

Puppies r so cute n make us laugh n love em .. 
After I was retired, my kid called and asked if I would be home n when she got here, she had a fuzzy puppy n asked if I would take her. I didn't want a dog but as soon as I held her, I loved her.
While I knew she was dying the grief would not stop n after I got another to save me (PuppyDog)

When I knew PuppyDog was gonna die, I got Kookie to save me. The pic above is Kookie with PuppyDogs collar.
Now that Kookie's end is in site, she does not know .. happy n goofy as ever. No pain yet and when she is in the truck headed for town she is so happy n barks all the way in.

I bought a domain to share ideas about pups, May 13, 2023 TRANSACTION ID 1684026093099950 Description Total pupdetectives.com 7 years registration7 years registration pupdetectives.com

While she is still able I will take her to get all the pets she can. When there is too much pain I will keep her loaded up on pain pills.. as long as she wags her tail she will be here with me.. to worry n wait till the end.

The waiting, worrying n crying will last that long. When it is finished, it will just be the crying part.

Touché the fight, the hope yields to the fate.

The cells they would have used in their study comes from blood donations from dogs. YOUR PUP MIGHT BE A HERO  TOO https://vet.osu.edu/vmc/companion/our-services/animal-blood-bank .

I thought to have a final event in June but it is not likely now. I have never been to the park alone so that magic is gone.
March 16th as I am typing this so I hope it will be a bit longer for pets.

I do a lot of living with past memories that tickle me. Those brave enough to be slimmed and pawed by Kookie are legacy left to me in the photos that I visit.

Right now she is laying on my foot and as playful as ever. PuppyDog (pup before Kookie) after a short time 


4/1 today I gave her the last heart n flee pills from the last order. Don't guess there will be a need to send for more.

I noticed the limp about a week before I took her in and on 2/28 is when we found out what it was.

2/28/2023 Exam/Consultation Medical Condition 1.00 <> Extremity 1 Limb Study 1.00 <> Sedation Radiology 1.00 <> Gabapentin (gen) 300mg Cap 180.00 $59.45

PuppyDog was so gentle with her bear but I had to put em up on the shelf so Kookie wouldn't destroy em


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pup Sitter

I put the chipmunk up in a high place but Kookie got it down n slimmed em. Watching the dogs on AGT she will be up on the tv next .. the worstest puppy I ever loved. 

For a while I thought there might be a time I need someone to take care of Kookie if something happens not expected.

I have had two other pups and none like her.
I paid $500 to have her trained but she didn't pay any attention.
People love her.. I warn them about her slobbers and jumping on em.
This girl was laughing and had a fun. She jumps up and holds her victims, wrestling em like a bear.. but her nails dig in and hurt.

I bought mittens to put on her front paws but haven't given them a try yet.
HERE are some pics I have taken of her.

If a dog comes in the yard, she loves them but when out at the park, she does not get along well.
In order to handle her, you have to be firm and don't let her get close.
I have a zapper, some people think it is mean but if someone afraid of dogs was approached, it would be scary for them.

Who might be a potential sitter .. have to be at least 18 or parents say OK and meet her for a test run.
It could be in my yard or at the park.

I thought about Rover, but don't figure I could afford their fees.

I would love for someone to introduce their pup in a controlled setting so she could have a visit with a playmate occasionally 

If you wanna meet the Kookie Monster, message me on facebook. You could bring a pal if you decide to sit her.

Kookie has a vet appointment and I thought that would be a time to experiment.
She is scruffy and if you want you could take her do the dog wash over by Walmart, the vet and stop at the park.

This could be you, Kookie sitter...

The rest of this blog below, I wrote a couple years about finding a fairy pup mother.. not about finding a sitter.




Friday, March 31, 2017

Pups n Stuff

I have been sharing my interest, debating issues.. interacting with others on the internet since the 80's.
People come along that did not see that info and instead of repeating the same stuff over and over, I started jotting it down on web pages, groups.

If you have read my stuff before some of this might be a repeat but as I am writing this now, it is from a message I got today after taking some pics last night

Taking pics of total strangers is kind of like asking a girl to dance. If she does and another does.. it is easy to get more dance partners.. but if you r rejected.. your chances dwindle 

Some times I just guess and the park dwellers were glad I did.

I have been lucky to capture some beautiful photos that get lots of likes but they soon vanish from memories.. but when I get to capture special moments for others, such are a worthy gift.

Sharing my thoughts with TheMick (a park dweller pal) guess I will jot it down here.
I can't dance, sure can't sing, never great at sports.. thinking of the achievements of others, though I can't do any of that stuff, when I capture that moment for them, that is something I can do.
I took a pic of one family by a big pine tree and the dad died two weeks later. A couple bringing their baby to the park for the first time, Kids getting married at the gazebo with no one there capturing their pics.
This summer I was doing time lapse n a couple walked by, I did some candid pics (I do that and later if I take their pics I tell em n post it)
I asked them if I might do a pic of them n the guy said just a few minutes .. as I watched a bit he got down on his knee n purposed. Such a great chance to record a memory for em.

Last night there was not many there and I took some pics of people with their camera n mine. The sky was not right but I asked a couple to do their pic when they were sitting on a rock. Later the sky was pretty nice and I captured a good shot.
This morning the guy sent  this message
Thank you so much for these memories, it especially means a lot because I’m leaving the country soon for college and this was one of our last nights together"

Memories of hearing people talk about their problems, me too I guess now.. guess it is arthritis , neck pain, knee pain, walking up the trail my right foot tingles like when your leg goes to 'sleep' poor me 😋
After I get there, I forget all about it, pondering what great pic I might capture this night.

Visitors that make Kookie wag her tail, jump n slobber on em and captured moments  like the kids last night, make he trip to town n climb up the trail keep me coming back till June 2023 .. if 


Most pay little attention but after a few asked I just started keeping notes. Every once in a while I will think of something else and add it. That is what this page is about.. The old guy n dog on Mt. Pleasant.
I figure I have been given some nasty names in my life and for some reason people gave me different nick names.
Old man fits.. used that term talking about my dad when I was a pup.
The only thing that makes me feel uncomfortable is being called sir or mister ... that sure does not fit.

There might be repeats I don't proof read my accounts.
When me n my wife came to stand on Mt. P. it was before selfies were invented .. n film cameras :)
Wish I would have thought about asking someone to paste both of us together in a shot.

Met em through taking pics.
This year our pal Penni was moving far away  and I came up to see them n she asked someone to take our pic.. hmmm in the hundreds of pics I have taken here, that is the only pics I have ever been with someone, not a relative :)
I got the newspaper to come out n they did a story on them n I got some great photos..

Me n my wife in the days b4 selfies were invented

When my wife was hanging out, 
I never went anywhere I was content to hang out outside of town playing on the computer n exercising.


One day my daughter called me n asked if I was gonna be home.

A nurse at work had sold her a Saint Bernard puppy and she had another jealous dog that was mean to her.

When Dusty (my daughter) showed up she had the fuzz ball n asked me if I would take her.

I never wanted a dog, but as soon as I held her, I loved her.. Called her Pumpkin

About 5 years n Pumpkin got cancer.

When she could hardly walk I knew it was getting close to the end. I was going to have someone shoot her n bury her in the yard.. but that thought passed in a jiffy.
The idea of sealing someone in a box to shrivel up .... ugh. We r but things we eat.. things that come from earth.
Now plants growing out of their ashes, their essence continues to be part of the cycle of life... 

Weeds grown now but there is room here for pups. It is an island where nothing will be built.

I must have paid $800 to have a 'wishing well" built in my back yard. While I worked on it, Pumpkin laid in the yard n watched me.. hard to get around.

When I thought it was time, I told my wife n daughter I couldn't go, couldn't stand it n so they helped her get n back of the old Chevy truck n told her she was going bye bye.

Dusty (my daughter) brought her a hat n I took a pic of her n back of the truck with my wife (Rita)

I couldn't stop the hurt so I started looking for another puppy n adopted PuppyDog...  

Rita n me loved her, so silly. We had to leave her over night at the vets once n Rita n me n PuppyDog .. well ...

I knew she would have given in but Rita told me, no matter how much I hurt, PuppyDog was our last dog.
The problem was Rita (wife) got leukemia.

When they were keeping her at OSU, I took our Pup with me and put a mattress in her Explorer. Parking in the concrete garage it was cool. I could visit a bit then we walked around visiting on the grounds.. part of the band was practicing once n I wanted to let her go.. but thought better. Once when I came out she had her head out the window getting pets.
They had some tubes in her and when I was home I had to flush them out.. being careful .. it was scary but her sister n niece helped .. tougher than me. 

I always thought funerals were pathetic. People showing up and the guest of honor is laying there not knowing any one was around, so b4 she got too sick.. When the nurse at the hospital sent her home on hospice I told her we were going to have a coming home party and asked her who she wanted to come and where she wanted to have the gathering.

She wanted to go to Olive Garden n her friends n family came n it was super nice.

Her sister n niece(s) came and played Mario with her through out December.

PuppyDog would get her toys n get on the couch n give it to Rita trying to make her fight for it.

Rita had long blond hair she never dyed it.. just a girl being herself :)

  Me n Rita on the right, Rita's last Christmas 2009.
The leukemia draining her life.. just a few more weeks with me n PuppyDog. 

She got to stay home almost all the time cept when she was getting her kemo. PuppyDog would ride with us n stay in the suv.
I put a mattress there n took naps in the OSU parking garage.

I woke up one morning n couldn't give her the meds n called Hospice. They came in and took her in the ambulance.
My daughter a nurse and great helper n her sister were there in her last hours.... 

They let me bring PuppyDog in and stay. She remained alive just one day.

She was diagnosed with leukemia the day b4 her BD n spent it in intensive care at OSU
Exactly one year later Rita died the day b4 her BD and spent her BD in the funeral home.

I left and headed to Columbus to take care of stuff I was so out of it then. I had to stop n get some gas and a girl came out of the station n asked if she could give PuppyDog some pets.. 
Going through that for a year when that kid came out it was like an angle .... well to crazy me.

Telling one who is close to me, when my time has come, don't bother to tell anyone, no newspaper stuff, but at least a year after , on my bd, log into my fb account and invite those I have saved in a list, to come n watch the sunset on June 23rd (along with those I had taken pics of n gave my Pup pets) I don't know who they were, but for a few minutes ... well imaginary friends I guess 😉


An act of kindness
Everyone that takes their dog with em, is tickled when someone gives em pets, but for people who are alone (me any way) when people give their pup some pets it is a shot of happy.
If u wanna make someone's day :)

When I got Rita's ashes back I put em in the wishing well with Pumpkin, waiting for me n PuppyDogs turn to join her n Pumpkin.
Some time after I lost my wife I looked at some women on dating sites. I was in pretty good shape then and there were a couple that liked me.. but when my age was known, it was like I had leprosy... and  were not about to leave their families n come hang out with fred flinstone n a big hairy dog.. 

Junior high-high school, there were lots of cute girls that twinkled in my eyes but there was one had a boy friend, I loved 4 years n never even said hi.  It is now as it was then.

On Mount Pleasant I talk to some beautiful girls/women but never ask their names (until 2022).  After so many orbits around the sun, you r not suppose to be attractive to women 😋

For me, I guess it is kind of like going to a car show to mingle with people who share your interest and look at the beautiful cars, knowing you will never drive one of em home. .. 


In school during the film days I think I am the only one with a camera n taking old grainy pics.. wish I had a digital camera then :)

When I went to boot camp in SC they had a darkroom we could create pics with. That is where I got hooked. Later I had my own darkroom in a little back room of our house.

Then as now I had $$$ worth of camera stuff. I took a pic of these things before I gave them all to a kid at the park.

One of my daughters was going to a wedding (digitals were out) and I thought, I bought the other two computers but Fredie Jo never asked for one, so I bought her a camera and one for me.

I have always had a good imagination and have been able to entertain my self. I always loved photography and thought of taking pics at Rising Park.
I like to take pics that people would actually look at from time to time and want to take pics of people.

Taking PuppyDog she was my photographer assistant. She would look at people n wag her tail and they would wanna give her pets and I could ask em if I could take their pics.

I took pics of people from 8 weeks old to 80 years old. I must have taken pics of 2,000 strangers. A very few decline but most were froggy.

Some asked me to events n stuff. I never did go any place I couldn't take PuppyDog  but when asked to a wedding at Ash Cave I took PuppyDog and got up super high and took some cool pics for em.

When I went to Rising Park all I had to do is turn her lose and she would make friends
A video I did of her one snow day with some kids 

Since 2010 .. People I saw my daughter a couple times a year, clerks when I buy stuff, the doc.. business stuff, my only social contact has been with people I meet on my photo adventures n of course my pups.

It makes my day when I can bring home some pics from the park or when people ask me to do a pic for em with their cameras.

When I found out PuppyDog had cancer, it was all I could stand. She had a hard time walking so I got a big wagon, loaded it on the Jeep n took her to Hocking Hills.. her tail dragging on the ground, people loved her n gave her lots of pets
PuppyDog n her bum leg

One FB pal ended up under her car n my driveway when she, Penni brought PuppyDog a wagon 

The visiting elves
Presents and food kept appearing on my door step at Christmas.. Penni n her gang left stuff.. this one of the accounts https://pennisaward.blogspot.com/ 

When I knew PuppyDog only had a short time I couldn't bare the thought of losing her n so I searched for a Puppy to rescue me from being alone.
That is when I found Kookie and after I knew her, I added Monster to her name.

When I first got Kookie  .. she is just like this now cept 140 pounds.

I only had Kookie about a month b4 I lost PuppyDog but captured some clips n made a little video of them together. 

When I first got PuppyDog's ashes back, I took them and Kookie for one last visit up the trail to Mt. Pleasant. Kookie yanking around I saw a mom n her boys coming down n asked her if she would handle Kookie n come back up, she did n when we came back down, I took  a pic of them with Kookie.
I haven't put PuppyDog's ashes in the wishing well yet. I keep her and her teddy bear up on the shelf so Kookie can't get to them.

I paid a good chunk of change to have Kookie trained but they just go through the basics and tell you to go home and do the training.
What they tell you to do is something I have seen on youtube videos.. it takes patients.

As far as getting rid of the Kookie Monster, not while I am healthy n alive, but ...

I would love to find a fairy god parent to take her in if something ever happened to me.

Since being alone in 2010 my pups have been my photography assistance. People would wanna give em pets and I got to ask em if I could add em to my Mount Pleasant photo album.. some of the pics I have taken HERE.
Other than taking park dweller pics with my cameras I had taken hundreds with their phone cameras.

I like the park because it is close but over a year's time I visited Hocking Hills through the seasons and created a slide/video music video.
One cool video I captured on Mount Pleasant was a sunset.
It was a super day and an airplane flew over the sun just before it set.

In all my photos n videos, one of my Saints were with me, making sure I got a good shot :)

PuppyDog was a good girl, people could let their babies give her pets.. she was so gentile... BUT Kookie is a monster that gets so excited n loves people.

My kid comes to see me on my bd/father's day n Christmas. Other than that if I get groceries, go to the doc, I never see anyone except strangers I encounter for a few minutes on Mt. P taking pics  n getting pets for my pup.

The arthritis hurts a bit when I go up the trail but the plan is to keep going until I my bd in June 2023 then back at least once for the big eclipse.

I was there when the little girl fell to her death, I have seen some crazy stuff.. this year I happened to be there and captured an engagement for a couple... wanted to pay me :)

The pup is so excited when I pick up the keys and barks all the way to town.
Mt P is my sanctuary :)

Rising Park has been on the map science forever but I managed to get a special place listed on Google Maps, Mount Pleasant.
If you have a couple good pics you want to share with the world you can post them and you can leave your review on the Google Map HERE

If you love Mt Pleasant too you can join our facebook group HERE

My Website risingpark.blogspot.com Some of my photos continue to get thousands of views.

Some pups I met at the park met me at Old Man's cave. As we got down to the stone bridge there was something going. The rangers were carrying a guy out that fell to his death
Another trip to Ash Cave taking pics of strangers I captured her and her baby.. (she took one of me n my pup), then another encounter and I put it together she was one of the rangers.. now a deputy in Athens. Some I have remained in contact through the last years .

A couple kids I met at the park invited me to their wedding at Ash Cave n I got up on the ledge n did pics from a different angle.

Someone from the wedding took a pic of me n PuppyDog on top taking pics. (above the water falls)
I was an Ironworker, in the film days I was the only guy carrying a camera around working on the beams. When Anchor Hocking Warehouse was first being built, a whole section fell and I got the job of photographing everything. I took pics of the Federal building in Columbus as it was being built and my photography interest took me to a job in Egypt.

I have met people from all the counties around, many states and countries.  Last week I photographed a family from The Netherlands (their relative told me I had taken her pic before)

Google sends monthly stats to map owners. Last month there was 9.25k views, visitors to my website and those who asked directions how to get there.

I like to take a couple pics and move on. I run out of stuff to talk about and have said the same things over n over so many times repeating myself. 
Mount Pleasant is kind of like going to a movie. It is a happy place... sometimes I get to interact with the movie stars for a couple minutes.. that makes my day.

If I don't do my workout, if I don't make it town, living on a hill looking through my window I can't see the sun for the trees.
Just thinking about those standing on Mt P.
When I don't make it to town, I click on Instagram to see the latest pics taken on Mt. P.

Once in a while getting groceries or gas someone will tell me I had taken their pic n have it on their phones.

I have talked to so many people I never remember them. Pull on your ear if you see me, I will  know I had taking your pic. 

I put the chipmunk up in a high place but Kookie got it down n slimmed em. Watching the dogs on AGT she will be up on the tv next .. the worstest puppy I ever loved. 

For a while I thought there might be a time I need someone to take care of Kookie if something happens not expected.

I have had two other pups and none like her.
I paid $500 to have her trained but she didn't pay any attention.
People love her.. I warn them about her slobbers and jumping on em.
This girl was laughing and had a fun. She jumps up and holds her victims, wrestling em like a bear.. but her nails dig in and hurt.

I bought mittens to put on her front paws but haven't given them a try yet.
HERE are some pics I have taken of her.

If a dog comes in the yard, she loves them but when out at the park, she does not get along well.
In order to handle her, you have to be firm and don't let her get close.
I have a zapper, some people think it is mean but if someone afraid of dogs was approached, it would be scary for them.

Who might be a potential sitter .. have to be at least 18 or parents say OK and meet her for a test run.
It could be in my yard or at the park.

I thought about Rover, but don't figure I could afford their fees.

I would love for someone to introduce their pup in a controlled setting so she could have a visit with a playmate occasionally 

If you wanna meet the Kookie Monster, message me on facebook. You could bring a pal if you decide to sit her.

Kookie has a vet appointment and I thought that would be a time to experiment.
She is scruffy and if you want you could take her do the dog wash over by Walmart, the vet and stop at the park.

This could be you, Kookie sitter...

The rest of this blog below, I wrote a couple years about finding a fairy pup mother.. not about finding a sitter.

Micro Chip 900164000693539
Brown and white, female, Saint Bernard
Lancaster Ohio
Birthday 04/14/15
Contact the Lancaster animal shelter if found.

Elen Hernandez,DVM | Date: 2/28/2023 at 16:29 |
The beginning of Kookie's end diagnosed.

The monster Puppy who rescued me when PuppyDog had little time is now a big girl and has been having seizures. Gonna take her to the vet Wednesday 6/16/21.
Supposed to be a great day so a visit to Mt P for pics, likely :)